to the

Dance Movement & Body Mapping Workshop
9 November 2024
10am – 5pm
Lydbury North Village Hall
Shropshire, SY7 8EB
​We are all a sun-lit moment
come from a long darkness,
what moves us always comes from
what is hidden,
what seems to be said so suddenly
has lived in the body for a long, long time...
David Whyte
Our bodies are multidimensional expressions of who and how we are – portals into the terrain of our deeper self, felt sense, inner compass and intuitive wisdom, which speak to us all the time in a rich and multi-layered language.
Dance movement is a conscious embodiment modality based on deep inner listening that invites movement from the inside out to give voice to and step into dialogue with our deeper self. Body mapping is a creative art-making process for giving expression to information held within different areas in our bodies for healing, integration and nurturing fresh vision.
Held within the beautiful South Shropshire countryside, this co-creative workshop is a spacious invitation to slow down and connect with bodymind and heart for facilitating inner guidance, personal inquiry, connection and wellbeing.
The day will include music and art materials to support and inspire, plus the option of a shared lunch.
Sliding fee, £55 - £35, according to your means