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Underlying Vision

"There is a river that runs through our lives, an underground stream that carries our essential being. Once we enter that stream, life’s no longer lived in the ordinary sense. It becomes a journey, an adventure into unknown waters."


Human beings are supremely complex (just as all of life :) and our lived experience encompasses many different dimensions that, to a large extent, we have become conditioned to filtering out or have lost conscious awareness of. As em-bodied beings, these dimensions of being are intrinsically linked to our bodies – or soma, which includes the dimensions of body, psyche and soul.


Coming home to the body and centre is about reacquainting ourselves with and re-developing personal literacy of these dimensions of our being. This is not only “only” possible through the body, but this is also the very gift of the body – the gift of acting as a teacher, acting as a portal to presence and to our inherent multidimensionality, the gift of allowing us to experience ourselves as intrinsically part of the magical web that is this life and the gift of actively taking part in it.


The purpose of my offerings is to enable you to remember and reconnect with that stream - for personal and collective healing, growth & transformation - and stir up within you excitement and passion as you delve into the uniqueness of your own evolutionary process.


"May you discover your river, and may your life

become a rich and meaningful voyage."

- Quotes by H.S.

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